
Reactive video

The company's leading product is "Reactive video".

The system was originally designed for sports shooters. It's main purpose is to train the shooter to react in unexpected, unknown situations.

Naturally, as in all kind of shooting, safety is the most important aspect, and accuracy is also necessary, but in addition to these, there is also a great emphasis on quick and correct reaction.

Our solution has 3 advantages that do not appear together in any other solution currently marketed in Hungary:

About the solution

The product, Reactive video 1, is characterized by the fact that a film is projected onto the "screen" placed on the shooting range; and when the shot is fired, the film stops automatically, so you can see exactly the result (the hit which was achieved). Firing a shot is detected by the sound.

Comparison with other systems

A few decades ago, the shooting sport in our country was completely impractical (static), because during sport and training, shots had to be fired extremely slowly, typically up to one minute was the available time per shot.

This sport does not help to improve the performance of security guards or policemen or soldiers.

This is a problem because according to some FBI statistics, real police firefights (in the USA) usually take less than one-twentieth of the above time (3 seconds). This is not surprising considering that the attacks 49% occur within 3 meters (source:

Security guards during a bank robbery and bodyguards during a kidnapping operate under similar circumstances, so the above data is also relevant for them.

As a significant step forward, it is now expected in many places from bodyguards and security guards to shoot accurately and quickly, i.e. the training of guards has now become dynamic; and dynamic shooting sports also appeared at the same time.

In addition to mastering dynamic shooting it is also very useful if they can go one step further. In a real life situation, they will not meet a pre-defined task, but must adapt to the situation and make a decision about the use of a weapon.

This is made possible by training with a simulation software, when the participants watch a (unknown to them!) "cinema" and, if they decide that the use of weapon is legal and necessary in the given situation, they draw a gun (or "gun") and shoot.

After the shot, the hit can be evaluated, so the simulation not only develops and checks the decision to use the weapon, but also develops and checks the speed of pulling the weapon, the speed of making the weapon ready to fire, the speed of aiming and, of course, the accuracy of the shot. As can be guessed from the above, these simulation softwares are the pinnacle of shooting sports, and accordingly, their use is practical for those who have already reached the point where they are good at dynamic shooting sports.

  • The "weapon" has no recoil, so it feels completely different to use.
  • There is no gunshot sound, which significantly reduces the realism.
  • The mass of the "weapon" does not resemble the real gun, it feels completely different to aim.
  • The size of the "weapon" does not match the real weapons, so official gun holsters cannot be used during the simulation. The nature and game-like usage of the "weapon" psychologically significantly reduces the benefits of the training.

    The benefits of our product compared to other systems

    A significant advantage compared to static/dynamic (firearm) shooting is that the system allows the participants' reactions to be examined; and with the help of practice, it significantly improves reactivity, significantly increases the rate of correct decisions and the speed of reactions.

    Compared to laser "weapon" simulations, a significant advantage is that, thanks to the use of a real firearm, the execution is much more realistic, and therefore much more intensive learning is possible. The reasons for these are: the weight of the weapon is the same as the weight of the real weapon, the aiming feels the same because the participants use their own gun, the size is also the same, thanks to this the usual/regularized weapon holsters can be used. The real gun usage makes the training psychologically serious therefore increases the benefits resulting from the training.


    Significant practical experience has been gained with the solution, sports shooters have been able to test the reactive video many times at Bel SE shooting matches since 2015.

    Also, for several years, University of Public Services Ludovika has been providing its students with the opportunity to use the system in certain courses during both the bachelor's and master's programs.

    The riot police Diplomatic guard department also used it for further training of its members.

    The sports shooters of the Ludovika Sport Club have also been using it for years.

    At the 4th Gábor Somorjai memorial competition, 2 people each from 30 teams had the opportunity to try out the Reactive video, everyone commented very positively about the system. The participants came from the following places, among others:

    University of Public Services Ludovika, Faculty of Policing

    Ludovika Sport Club Tonfa and Martial art division

    Romania: SIAS

    Croatian police

    Police from Bratislava (Slovakia)

    Police from Kossice (Slovakia)

    Police from Yvjednavac (Slovakia)

    Police from Zilina (Slovakia)

    Police from Czech republic

    Riot police Diplomatic security department


    Riot police support Commando

    "Kőrős" SWAT

    "Érd" SWAT

    "Mecsek" SWAT

    "Bükk" SWAT

    National Buro of Investigation

    Hungarian Prison service operation departmant

    Hungarian Army, Academy of Non-Commissioned Officers

    University of Public Services Ludovika, Faculty of military science and military officer training


    Wombat tactical